Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Bwannette and her people really hate it when indigenes get all pushy.

A Cherokee Nation citizen who has been critical of Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D., Mass.) claims of Native American heritage said he was disrespected by the senator's presidential campaign.

Joseph Pierce, an associate professor at Stony Brook University in New York, tweeted Saturday that a Warren team member had tried to convince him to vote for Warren during a campaign drive earlier that day. Pierce said the Massachusetts senator had not done enough to "right the harm she has caused," referring to the decades of claims of Cherokee heritage for which Warren apologized only this year.

The Warren staffer took Pierce to another team member, who, Pierce wrote, promised to make "real time" for him. Pierce said the staffer was dismissive when Pierce said he was "pissed" about Warren's claims.

"I mean, bro, just one second earlier you were willing to ‘make real time for me,' and when you saw that I actually have thoughts about this, you no longer have that willingness or that time. That, my friend, is exactly the problem," Pierce tweeted.

According to Pierce, the staffer also told him that not voting for Warren would help President Donald Trump win reelection. Pierce called that posture "profoundly colonial."

UPDATE: Bwannette?  Maybe it's a good idea not to mess with the Cherokee.

1 comment:

  1. Her claiming to be Indian to check off an affirmative action box is offensive to real Indians. Her "apology" was nowhere near sufficient.
