Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Meet Consequence.

NBC News wants you to pity Hoda Muthana, and who are you, O mortal, to answer back to NBC News? Hoda is a simple, down-to-earth, hijab-wearing Alabama gal who decided one day to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State (ISIS). But hey, everyone makes mistakes, right? “I want to have my own car,” pines Hoda, and how could you possibly resist such an all-American appeal?
Only the most grudging “Islamophobe” would dare to note that Hoda’s desire to have her own car is downright chilling in light of her earlier call for Muslims in America to “go on drive-bys, and spill all of their blood” – that is, the blood of the unbelievers that Hoda can’t wait to return and live among now.

But surely Hoda Muthana herself wouldn’t take her brand new car and use it for one of those drive-bys she wanted, would she? Of course not: she says she “regrets every single thing” she said in those halcyon days of the Islamic State, and thinks it is only just to let her come back to her Sweet Home Alabama: “Anyone that believes in God believes that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter how harmful their sins were.”
NBC News certainly agrees. Hoda, NBC tells us, spoke to them from a “refugee camp in Syria where she and her 2-year-old son, Adam, live in a tent.” She “now claims to reject the extremist ideology that she once espoused so freely online,” but that isn’t good enough for “Islamophobic” American officials: she faces, says NBC, “an uphill battle to be allowed back into the U.S.”
Should this country allow her back in?  Since she publicly advocated murdering people, you can see why the US might be reluctant to do that.  A cynic might think that this was an ISIS strategy to get some ISIS fighters into America itself. 
Is her repentance genuine?  Has she brought forth "fruits worthy of repentance," as John the Baptist put it?  Or has she "changed her mind" simply because she's having a rough time of it right now?  “Anyone that believes in God believes that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter how harmful their sins were?"  I suppose that's right in one sense. 
I guess the guy who murdered his wife so he could marry his mistress and got the needle for it wouldn't turn down a second chance.  And that kid, high on crack, who raped and murdered that ten-year-old girl and got life without parole probably looks out through the bars every morning and wouldn't mind a second chance himself.

See the rich man and Lazarus.
But sins have consequences, sometimes those consequences last for the rest of your life and sometimes they affect more than just you.  Maybe that crackhead I talked about above probably has a mom and a dad who still love him. 
Maybe they have pictures of him from when he was a happy little boy, before his life went to hell.  Those pictures are going to have to sustain them for the rest of their lives since they know that they're never going to be able to physically touch their son again.
For the rest of their lives.
Good luck explaining all this to your son down the road.

UPDATE: It's not going to happen, kid.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is the woman who isn't actually a valid US citizen. Her father was a diplomat from Yemen at the time of her birth, if I recall correctly. Since she was a prolific twitter advocate of murder, she's not getting much sympathy from US authorities. And her religion, Islam, even in its non-Islamist forms, does not teach that "everyone deserves a second chance."
