Wednesday, November 13, 2019


On the next Reliable Sources, Brian Stelter sits down with CNN correspondents, Jim Sciutto, Jim Acosta and Jake Tapper to discuss Trump's blatant attempt to rig Dancing With The Stars in favor of his former press secretary Sean Spicer.  Impeachable?


  1. The fact that he breathes is an impeachable offense. Get with the program, Johnson.

  2. I assume this is a joke, although the media are so ridiculous these days it's hard to tell.

  3. Actually, it's just a comment on the fact that Stelter hasn't so much as mentioned the story about ABC killing a story on pedo Jeff Epstein and then apparently getting CBS to fire an ex-ABC employee who was said to have leaked it. But you're right, Katherine. Like the Episcopalians, it's getting harder and harder to determine what is a joke and what isn't a joke anymore.
