Thursday, November 7, 2019


The Hill has a piece up about an ex-evangelical pastor (and, as it turns out, ex-Christian, according to him) who thinks that the Church has seriously damaged itself by its support for Donald Trump.  Why The Hill thinks any Christian should care is beyond me.

But I guess we'll have to go over this again.  As much as Barack Obama's devotees, acolytes, sycophants and junk-kissers so fervently, even desperately, wanted to believe this, the president of the United States of America is NOT the king of the United States of America.

Nor is he/she, Dave and Nancy French, the United States of America's presiding bishop.  The president of the United States of America is this country's First Civil Servant. 

And that's all he/she is, ever will be or ever should be.

Class dismissed.


  1. Journalism about the evangelical world is full of articles which reference a 'popular author' or 'prominent pastor' and the reaction of the reader is (I imagine) pretty much like mine: "huh?". It's someone you've never heard of, employed by some corporate body you've never heard of, 'famous' for writing a book you've never heard of, associated with some strand of thought or 'movement' you've never heard of (but referred to capital letters).

  2. As Terry Mattingly has been telling us for years, journalism doesn't "get" religion. This Harris guy isn't speaking for Christianity in any form, since he rejects it.


    Here's Terry Mattingly's outfit on the story. I suppose I should take an interest in the well-being of this man and his wife, but it takes some effort because the two of them just seem like major tools.
