Thursday, November 7, 2019


An old favorite at one of this site's previous incarnations gets a new job.

The National Abortion Federation (NAF) has announced that its new president and CEO is Katherine Ragsdale, a lesbian Episcopal “priest” and longtime abortion activist.

“Abortion providers are some of my personal heroes and modern-day saints,” Ragsdale said when the news was announced. She had been NAF’s interim president and CEO since September 2018.

That's because Katie Rags has this whole neo-Aztec spirituality thing going.

In an April 2019 speech at a Kentucky Reproductive Freedom Fund fundraiser, Ragsdale claimed that the Bible says nothing about abortion

Katie Rags went there.  The idiotic "the Bible doesn't say anything about..." dodge is pretty much her only play.  I've got news for you, Katie Bear.  The Bible doesn't say anything about a whole lot of stuff that you consider to be vitally important so you might want to dial that one back.

and that it’s dishonest and manipulative to call the human in the womb a “baby.” 

“‘One inch from life,’ they say while showing a picture of a Gerber baby,” Ragsdale said of pro-life advocates who oppose partial-birth abortion. The audience laughed. 

“Apart from ‘one inch from life’ being a lie, the Gerber baby image is a lie,” she continued. “And actually, using the word ‘baby’ is a manipulative lie.”

Of course it is.  But you do you, Rev. Mengele.


UPDATE: Molochianity?  Fits, doesn't it, Katherine?


  1. If she read the Bible, she would note that the LORD was pretty harsh about Baal and Molech, known for their appetites for child sacrifice.

  2. I went from here to PJ Media, and coincidentally, it has an article about a statue of Moloch being erected outside the Colosseum in Rome, along with some scriptural references to the sin of child sacrifice:

  3. Years ago my mom and I were discussing what kind of people we would most "love to hate". Mom said hers would be a cigar smoking neo Nazi-- she grew up in the WWII era and she absolutely despised the smell of cigars (she could tolerate cigarette smoke, though, because my dad smoked those when they were first married). I told her that for me it would be a lesbian ex nun who ran an abortion clinic. Well, looks like Katie Rags has gone even beyond that... being Catholic I didn't consider the possibility of a lesbian "priest" running an entire national organization of abortion clinics. Let's just say I hope I never meet her in person.

  4. Does Katie's "neo-Aztec spirituality thing" include Pachamama?

  5. Don't know yet. I figure Katie starts with cutting the hearts out of living human beings and goes from there.

  6. TLM, that Pachamama thing and the Pope really, really bugs me. When we lived for two years in a majority-pagan country, India, we refused numerous invitations to social gatherings called "poojas," in which sacrifices would be made to the family idols and then the food offered to the idols consumed by the guests. We've read the Ten Commandments, and the second on clearly prohibits this kind of thing. Has Pope Francis read the Commandments?
