Friday, November 8, 2019


I have never liked the repulsive things.  And there's no way to make them palatable.


  1. I am a failure as a Southerner. I hate sweet tea, and I hate sweet potatoes. I've tried 'em in every possible cooking method, and they still taste like sweet potatoes. If your mama cooked them, you probably like them, and if she didn't, they usually don't improve with repetition.

  2. I could never eat them no matter who cooked them, how they were cooked or what they were cooked with. Didn't help if they were buried in marshmallows, something else I have absolutely never been able to stand. Too relentlessly, even abrasively sweet; same reason I never liked cotton candy.

  3. Here's a way to make them satisfying--bet they'd work well in a Potato Cannon, which is the only way I'd ever enjoy them. Pity the tree, tho LOL.

  4. Hah, Sybil! Turn them into weapons. I like that!

  5. Black beans (washed), sweet potatoes, baked chicken thighs, pineapple. Simmer in a pan with orange juice and seasonings ( You can serve it on rice or quinoa or have it straight up. Share some chicken with your cat.

  6. If your mama cooked them, you probably like them, and if she didn't, they usually don't improve with repetition.

    She didn't. Cooking in our house was 10% East Tennessee, 25% Scranton / Wilkes-Barre, 65% 1950s scrapbooks and cookbooks (including the 1952 edition of the Joy of Cooking.

    They're still something you can enjoy if you cook them the right way. The canned variety will do for a stew. Also, sweet potato fries.

  7. What really is gruesome would be Brussels sprouts.

  8. When properly prepared & properly paired with the rest of the meal, sweet potatoes are quite good. Yes to sweet potato fries, ixnay on the marshmallows.

  9. Going to have to call you out on that one, Art. Cooked right, Brussels sprouts rule.

  10. Have tried sweet potato fries. Alas, they still taste like sweet potatoes. I don't like the sweet cooked versions, either. The only good recipe with sweet potatoes I've ever had was a muffin recipe from the Williamsburg Cookbook. With the raisins, spices, and sugar, they didn't taste like sweet potatoes any more.

    Since we went keto I've been serving brussel sprouts halved or quartered and sautéed in butter. Yum!

  11. When properly prepared & properly paired with the rest of the meal, sweet potatoes are quite good.

    The best I've had included some sort of fruit. Currents I think. Need lotsa butter.

  12. Butter, yes. More sugar (especially if marshmallow), no.
