Friday, November 8, 2019


"Trumpist rot" is what happens when lots and lots and lots of Republican voters choose not to take instruction from the World's Foremost Authority and others like him anymore and decide to select a presidential candidate who can actually win and will actually do things.

UPDATE: Cupcake? Nobody ANYWHERE gives a rat's ass.


  1. I wonder when this lot are going to finally figure out that the train left the station three years ago?

  2. Meanwhile, I'll try to figure out why I should care about what this guy on Twitter thinks.

  3. One of the more troublesome things about the last 3 years and change is that the nefarious activity has been a co-operative enterprise between the security-state establishment, the media, and Democratic pols. No one has yet sussed out Obama's role in all this. From what we know, the initiative was taken by Brennan, Sztrok, McCabe, Clapper. This bum is a fixture in the academic auxilliary of the security state establishment, cocooned at the Naval War College.

  4. Well, Art Deco, I have a hard time believing that Obama knew nothing about any of these scandals in his administration.
