Wednesday, November 20, 2019


I, of course, have never had any of my own but I suspect that it must be peculiarly awful for parents when their kids turn out to be pieces of crap.


  1. Since 1997, his entire work life has consisted of employment in rent-seeking operations wherein he's been leveraging connections. His father and his uncle are implicated in his various corruptions. That aside, if you want a slice of the example his father set for him, rewind and review the Neil Kinnock video of 1987. Read the idiot statement his father and step-mother issued when it came to be public knowledge that he was banging his sister-in-law. They don't own this situation, but they're part of it.

  2. Papa Biden has never been bright or particularly honest. The younger Biden adds being a sexual creep to the other Biden family values (although Papa Biden does have a habit of putting his hands on women and girls).

  3. Robin Williams once said that G.H.W.Bush chose Dan Quayle as insurance. Methinks Obama was pursuing a similar line of reasoning.

  4. Robin Williams once said that G.H.W.Bush chose Dan Quayle as insurance.

    Per Fred Barnes reporting at the time, he made an impetuous choice of someone being touted by a couple of his aides. He subsequently discovered that the media had it in for Quayle and Quayle had some features which made him vulnerable. The attacks on Quayle (which extended to his wife and sister-in-law) were a mix of humbug and outright lies, but it is true that he had no vocation to hold a position of cardinal importance. Back bench member of Congress was about his speed. Bush the Elder just rolled with the punches.

  5. Actual pieces of crap have more integrity than Hunter Biden.
