Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Why should anybody take you candyasses seriously?

In October 2018, an elderly nun applied for a place in a retirement home in Vesoul, run by the city's Centre Communal d'Action Sociale (CCAS) in her home prefecture of Haute-Saone. After nine months on the waiting list, on July 2019, her request for housing was accepted, but with one condition: "With due respect for secularism, any ostentatious sign of belonging to a religious community cannot be accepted in order to ensure the serenity of all. Indeed, religion is a private affair and must remain so." The nun was told she could only wear a discreet cross. Having worn her religious habit all of her adult life, she refused to comply and was thus denied a place.

The CCAS residence was ideal for her because although residents live in apartments, they benefit from the communal dining room for all meals. Instead, she had to move to an apartment found by the parish through a rental agency. As a result, an elderly nun who spent her life in a community must shop, cook, and eat alone in an apartment.

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