Tuesday, November 5, 2019


(Eins) Does anyone with an honest bone in their bodies seriously believe that an article given the title, "Electoral College Overwhelmingly Favors Democrats, Abolishing Entire System Only Remedy: Study" would have or will ever see the light of day?

(2) If you accept the premise of this article, you would seem to have only two options.


(Deux) Shutting the hell up


  1. The study it's a reasonable wager didn't say that, that's just the spin the dopes Newsweek hires put on it.

    I notice also it's from the National Bureau of Economic Research. It's distressing how little interest many economists have in economic questions. Sociologists are commonly schooled in quantitative methods and political scientists are so now and again, so I'm not seeing the point of economists with their distinct imagination invading other fields simply because they can crunch numbers. (I have a suspicion sociological models designed by economists are commonly misspecified).

    Amending the mode of electing the President might be worth pursuing, but Democrats have conducted themselves so badly in the last 20 years that they've pretty much ruined anyone else's inclination to co-operate with them on any project.

  2. I will be very amused to see leftists' heads exploding (figuratively) if Trump wins the "popular vote" as well as the Electoral College in 2020. How would Californians and New Yorkers react to know that if their "compact" were in place, all their votes for not-Trump would be nullified and their states' electoral votes awarded to Trump? I have a hard time seeing a huge left wave turnout for Biden or Warren, so this scenario is not impossible.

  3. Oddly enough, Democrats were strongly in favor of keeping the Electoral College back in 2012, when they feared that Romney might win the popular vote, but lose the Electoral College.

    Slate, that bastion of even-handed reporting, wrote this in support of the E.C.

  4. You would use different campaign tactics if it was popular vote and it is reasonable to assume that Republicans would learn it in time, then what?

    Face it, nothing short of an ammendment giving the power to socialists to declare people untermensch will satisfy the usual suspects
