Tuesday, November 5, 2019


It will be fascinating to see what emerges when the dust finally settles from American journalism's ongoing ritual suicide.

UPDATE: Right back atcha, Edward R.



  1. Not just uncorroborated stories about Kavanaugh, but unfounded stories.

  2. Part of it is a secular decline in the quality of human being we're able to produce in this country. When 20% of all pregnancies end in a surgical abortion, when 40% of all marriages end by being dissolved by the civil courts, when 40% of all children are born out of wedlock, you know you are living in a slatternly society. My parents' contemporaries did not behave this way. However, the grossness isn't evenly distributed in manner or degree across that society. Some social segments got a lot worse than did others. Where you've seen a vertiginous decline in integrity and good sense has been in the media, higher education, and (to a lesser degree) the law. Dave Garroway, Mike Wallace, Ted Koppel, Robert MacNeill made their share of mistakes, but it's hard to argue they were bad men. Jeffrey Zucker is.

  3. Plus, 2016 election interference, anyone? She says they had the goods on Bill Clinton. Bill's wife was running for president.
