Friday, November 1, 2019


Grampa's having another episode.

Right.  "The greed of private equity vultures" is what's "destroying journalism across the country."  I thought journalism itself was doing that but okay.  Dear LORD, dementia is a horrible way to die.  If I can't go in my sleep, give me a nice, quick heart attack any day of the week.


  1. Notice he casually assumes government has a duty to regulate the press. Mencius Moldbug was right: separation of church and state is too narrow. There needs to be separation of information and security. Otherwise, all one ideological miscreant has to do is pretend that his dogmas aren't religious and poof, tax payers are funding indoctrination.

  2. Um, I thought Deadspin people left because they were told it was a sports site, and they should stick to sports. Do I have that wrong? How nice it would be if sports fans could watch and debate the sport itself. It used to be a refuge from political insanity, but the insanity has been creeping in.

  3. No, you are not wrong Katherine. They were belligerently insubordinate and got fired. Just like any of us would be.

  4. The problem with Sanders is the reflexive scapegoating. In my experience, that's the default setting of dissatisfied persons who haven't a clue how anything works.
