Friday, November 1, 2019


American journalism might not be as dead as I thought it was.  I'm starting to have more than a little bit of a crush on CBS's Jan Crawford.


  1. And now Katie Hill is saying misogyny made her resign. What's next? "Misogyny unhooked my bra." ?

  2. In case anybody is ever unsure of what the term "grasping at straws" means.

  3. And notice that we haven't gotten to the whole "boinking the staff" issue yet.

  4. Interesting that a CBS News correspondent can do this and keep her job. And I note the Catherine Herridge is moving to CBS from Fox. She's a top quality reporter.

  5. "Our problem, really is that we're not the people we used to be."

    Exactly. I often say that the US was such a rip-roaring success not because the Constitution is some inherent magic formula for curing the ills of the world, but because it wrote checks against a treasury of Christian manners and tradition. When that treasury runs dry, we are left with legal Godzilla in full smash and burn mode.
