Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Interesting news from the South.

Sessions never should have left the Senate to begin with and it'll be great to see him back in.


  1. Yes.

    Rebel, condolences on the Virginia elections. We have considered moving into central VA to be nearer our daughter who lives in Fairfax County. We'll have to watch taxes and gun restrictions before doing it. Our daughter reports that in every election, there are Democrats outside her polling place with campaign literature, but never Republicans. She has tried to find a way to volunteer with local Rs without success. They don't even return emails. Something is seriously broken in VA.

  2. Katherine, Yes, the Republican Party in Va is (& has been for quite a while) in disarray. The folks they run are just not that good, especially since they ran off the likes of Eric Kantor. About 1/4 of the senate seats in the Commonwealth were uncontested. When I went to my local polling joint, there was not a single Republican, Libertarian or otherwise conservative I could vote for. Indeed, I have recently been gerrymandered out of a competitive district.

    For years, the "deep state" sort have been colonizing Northern Virginia along with Charlottesville & Lexington. Thanks to that invasion, we have now have not one but two carpet baggers representing us in the Senate.

    Stay where you are, or persuade your daughter to move.

  3. Alas, ur, she works for a government contractor, for agencies which will stay in the DC area even in the unlikely event that the bill to move half the government out were to pass. Although if that happened, it would be a better place for the remainder.
