Wednesday, November 6, 2019


It's great to see The Hill right on top of those issues that truly matter to the American people.

“Dancing with the Stars” judges took aim at Sean Spicer after the former White House press secretary avoided placing near the bottom of the show on Monday night, despite being awarded the lowest score from judges on the latest episode. 

During the program on Monday evening, Spicer performed a nautical-themed jazz routine with Jenna Johnson, who filled in for his usual partner for the evening, to the song, “Come Sail Away.” 

Despite some praise as well as 7 points from judge Carrie Ann Inaba for the performance, which she said she was “proud of,” Spicer receive an overall score of 20 points out of 30 from the panel of judges for the performance, as well as some negative reviews, according to USA Today.

Yeah, three quick things.

(A) This is a DANCING SHOW, YOU CANDY-ASSED MORONS.  When you let people call or log in and declare who they thought the "winner" was, this kind of thing is going to happen.

(Dos) If Sean Spicer was George Stephanapoulos, we wouldn't be having this conversation.  Would we?  No, we wouldn't.

(Three) For the love of God, get an effing grip.

1 comment:

  1. He wouldn't be getting the public votes if liberal twittertards hadn't made such a fuss about him being on the show. They don't like it when they're on the receiving end of the gleichschaltung, so let's hit 'em harder.
