Tuesday, November 19, 2019


You just got finished making a movie based on an old 70's television show.  Your movie is the THIRD MOVIE this old show has spawned.  Your movie is tanking.  Big-time.

Because of men.

Uh huh.

Here's the deal, Liz.  When I go to a movie, one of the things I really like to be, at least on some level, is surprised.  "No, Luke.  I am your father."  Stuff like that.  The last thing I want from any movie is to know exactly what's going to happen in it every step of the way.

And by choosing this particular vehicle, that's the one thing that you've guaranteed.  What, one of the Angels is going to die?  So if it's all the same to you, Liz, I'll just save my money.

Want to make a movie where girls save the world?  Great.  You have two options.

(A) Write or find a script that has never been done or seen before.  Something ORIGINAL, in other words.  If the concept is interesting, I'd go see something like that.

(Deux) Tell the pitch meeting, "Here's what we do.  We remake Ghostbusters only all the Ghostbusters are women.  And if it's a bomb, we can say it's because of sexism."  Yeah, hard pass.  You know better than this, Banks.


  1. Hollywood seems to be out of script ideas, and I'm not interested in noise and special effects or in being lectured. I don't bother.

  2. Same here. I've always said that if I really enjoyed leftist sermons, I can always go to an Episcopal church and see one for free.

  3. This is why I seldom go to the movies anymore. And by seldom, I mean never.

  4. I can't remember the last movie I intentionally went to a theater to see.
