Monday, November 18, 2019



An American legislature may actually be forced to...oh my dear LORD...legislate.

President Donald Trump says young undocumented immigrants have nothing to worry about from the Supreme Court. The Senate begs to differ.
Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) has been on the front lines of the Senate’s immigration battles for decades, including trying unsuccessfully to work with Trump over the past three years. He says after so many stalemates, there’s no reason to believe Trump’s optimism this time around.
With the Supreme Court’s conservative majority casting serious doubt this week on the future of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, Congress is facing the very real possibility of having the issue dumped on its doorstep.
I'm very sorry for subjecting you to this.

1 comment:

  1. Trump was ready to negotiate when these rogue AGs filed suit. The moment they did, the whole issue was frozen in place while it wended its way through the courts. If the SC throws DACA out as unconstitutional (which it is), then if Congress wants to fix the problems they'll have to do some work.

    I think the terms will be worse than they would have been a couple of years ago before the lawsuits. There are now studies showing large numbers of these DACA recipients have criminal records (in addition to their illegal status).
