Friday, November 1, 2019


Cigar Store has released details of her We're Going To Fix Health Care And We Mean It This Time Since From All Indications, The Democrat Passed Obamacare Seems Not To Have Accomplished Anything At All health care plan  Want to know how I know it's worthless?

Quick tip: whenever a funding formula repeatedly mentions various iterations of "the wealthy," the money's not there, the money never will be there and you can take that to the bank.

So to speak.

UPDATE:  Pretty much, yeah.  Basically this monstrosity steals money from people Cigar Store doesn't like and showers it on people she does like.

UPDATE: Yeah, this is SO going to happen.

UPDATE: If you like your transmission, you can keep your transmission.


  1. Her dissertation on the prevalence of bankruptcies caused by medical bills was fatally flawed, and so is every public policy "plan" she makes. If she were to win the 2020 election, things would get worse for everyone quickly.

  2. If you look at the European systems that provide such things as single-payer health care, you will discover that the "middle class" pay some pretty hefty taxes.

  3. Funny thing is, Obama took care of all this. Totally fixed health care in this country.

  4. Gross output in 'Health Care and Social Assistance' is currently $2.5 tn. Assuming the current distribution of expenditures between out-of-pocket payments and third-party payments, some variant of a 'single payer' system would require authorities collect premiums by levying a tax of about 16% of personal income, topping out at a capitation of about $38,000 (this year, more each subsequent year). The deductible would be north of $3,000 for a single-person household, north of $6,000 for a dyad, and north of $9,000 for a family. That's what transparency looks like, and you'll never get it from Fauxcohantas.

  5. Shakes Fist When Talks been in firewater. Bigly...

  6. I'm sure Liz Warren has no idea that people employed by insurance companies actually do work which needs to be done, and that the fraud rate with private insurers is much lower than fraud in government programs, because the insurance companies need to cover their costs, whereas the governments merely love spending taxpayer money and don't care.

  7. I also know that the insurance industry is highly regulated, in terms of base rates for every conceivable exposure. Each state has some sort of Insurance Commission, rates are set by actuarial data, differs from "territory" to "territory" within each state, and by differences in exposure. Companies have to submit their actual premium and loss data either to the commissioner directly, or to a rate-filing company such as ISO (Medical data may go to another rate-filing organization, but I think ISO does Medical also.) The commission sets the rates.

    If this has to go from the state level to some sort of Federal rate-setting commission, it will be a nightmare. This will be The Veteran's Administration on steroids.

    Secondly, since the repeal of "ObamaCare" regulations and the resurgence of good-paying jobs with benefits most people now get their health care through their employer - oftentimes with significant employer contributions to the cost. But. of course, they can't admit that the booming economy has lifted great swaths of formerly poor people out of poverty. Well, Princess Throwing Bull would change all that.

  8. So, Shakes Fist When Talks, will this fantastic plan you have cooked up apply to you lot as well? Or, will you continue to enjoy the cadillac plan available only to the governing class that the rest of us have to pay for?

  9. UR-- U R welcome. My (as far as I know) other one is Born Chin First. But I think no one can equal Kurt Schlichter in this as in so much else. He had a recent column after some prisspot apparently announced that these sorts of metaphors etc were not acceptable, in which he basically said Eff You Very Much But I'll Say What I Please, used every such figure of speech I've ever heard and came up with a few of his own, and it's a goldmine. I can't recall where it was, but you can probably search it out.
