Tuesday, December 3, 2019


The World's Foremost Authority has no clue how American government works.


  1. One of the portfolio of things Trump has done is torn the masks off the political establishment. We get to see that the Democratic elite is totally unscrupulous, the media is an extension of the DNC press office (and in turn, that the Democratic Party is the electoral vehicle is, inter alia, the electoral vehicle of the sort of jack-wagon who lands a job in the media) and a not insignificant slice of the Republican opinion-monger officials-in-waiting class has no interest in promoting starboard policy and is contemptuous of the Republican Party's voters. (Trump's also demonstrated that a great many of them are fools who could improve public life by leaving it. In fairness to the Bush class, they never hired Tom Nichols).

  2. I notice he doesn't say anything specific about these alleged changes to the constitutional system, because there aren't any. Reversing Obama diktats is not unconstitutional.

  3. Crikey! These people are just flailing about, aren't they? Throwing out anything, anything at all, hoping something will stick.

  4. Maybe we could take up a collection and ship him a case of laxative tablets. Preferably the one whose shtick is or was "a woman's gentle" one-- Correctol?
