Sunday, December 1, 2019


Cigar Store?  Here's how life works, cupcake.  "We all" did not come up with the idea of the iPad or any other tablet nor did "we all" develop them.  For that matter, neither did "we all" come up with the idea of the smart phone or develop those.  So what say "we all" allow the people who actually developed all these things to benefit from them even if that means that they end up with more money than you and I will ever see in our lives? 

They can't take it with them.



  1. "Nobody in this country got rich on their own." Really, Liawatha? How 'bout some of us got rich by pretending to be something we weren't and getting preferential treatment (and denying a more worthy candidate that same opportunity...)

    So, listen up, Fraudezuma, how about actually working at your current job, instead of being a "No-Show" for the past 23 votes of the Senate.

  2. Makes Heads Ache is at it again. Gonna be a long few months. Invest in Advil.

  3. That's sweet. Then again, the more the merrier LOL! "The devil that prowde spirite cannot abide mockery." She may not be the devil, but she's carrying his water. Heap Big Time.

  4. The demonic also cannot abide courageous confrontation, and OT, but it's glorious-- Bibi just cut a video reaming the Euroweenies a new one for undermining sanctions on Iran. Good to watch even if you don't have a crush on Bibi, just to see again how it's done and that it's still done. DJT can and does do it, also. Different as chalk and cheese or Haldir and Gimli, but thank God for both of them.

  5. Isn't there a diagnosis for people who are completely disconnected from the reality of life? My family has been in this country and fought for it since the 1750's. They helped build this country. My Irish ancestors dug canals, built railroads and fought for this country since the famine. WE BUILT this country. Our dollars paid for it, we built it. Tell them all to take a long walk off a short pier!

  6. ur, I like Psychogewea. Besides, if she's hoping that shaking her fists will keep people from realizing she's not really saying anything.
