Saturday, December 28, 2019


What's wrong with this picture?

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR-15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson's death.

What's he saying?

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner's AR-15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

"What these three boys did was stupid," Schumacher said. "They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die."

"Brass knuckles against an AR-15? C'mon. Who was afraid for their life?" Schumacher said.

And there it is.  Two things.  If you're ever stupid enough to break into someone else's house without knowing what's on the other side of that door, you're not getting any sympathy from me.  Seems like that might be something you might want to find out before you even start such a bone-crushingly moronic activity. And if you ever do break into my house, THE VERY LAST EFFING THING THAT I'M EVER GOING TO WORRY ABOUT IN THE DEFENSE OF MY HOME AND MY FAMILY IS WHETHER THIS FIGHT IS "FAIR" OR NOT.

Take another run at it, old man.


  1. The usual suspects would be having the same hissyfits if the homeowner had used a shotgun, or a kitchen knife, or an Apple Brown Betty. It's the idea of self-defense they cannot abide, and we don't have to wonder why...

  2. Stupid offshoot from the stupid tree if you ask me.

  3. This story's from the spring of 2017. You can read about the domestic scaffolding in which one of these three young men lived here:

    Home invasion burglaries carry certain risks. You'd think a grandfather might be detached enough to (1) realize that while (2) being mortified that his late grandson was perpetrating one. There was a candlelight vigil for these three held by their schoolmates. The schoolmates per the reporter were reluctant to talk because it was all so...awkward. Here, the young were setting the example.

  4. If you break into someone's home, you are not in a position to ask for a "fair fight."

  5. Exerpt from the obituary cited above:
    "Jacob is survived by
    (his) brothers Jordan and Jonathan
    his adoptive Mom Connie Saint, and husband Terry
    Guardian parents Wayne Smithart and Eric Price
    Father Michael L Redfearn and wife Jennifer
    Mother Shannon L Redfearn

    He is also survived by grandparents
    Rick Redfearn, and wife Corinna
    Beverly Cannon, and husband Tim
    Leroy Schumacher, and Leslie Schumacher
    as well as a multitude of step-brothers and sisters,
    aunts, uncles, cousins
    and friends.

    So, ...who was he living with? Was he being bounced around all these different relatives? Why did he need "guardian parents" which I notice seems to be a gay couple.

    Quite frankly, I have never read such a ...ummm, revealing obit. Usually these bizarre family relationships get glossed over in the interest of de mortuis nil nisi bonum."
