Saturday, December 28, 2019


But he's OUR racist.

The history of U.S. politics is full of second chances — of scandal-scarred, disgraced and irredeemable public figures staging improbable comebacks — but few back-from-the-dead narratives have been as swift and sure-footed as the one Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has managed this year.

Complete garbage.  Raise your hand if you seriously believe that any conservative Republican would have had or would have even been allowed by the Post anything close to a "swift and sure-footed" political comeback under any circumstances.

Thought not.

In the process, Mr. Northam, a Democrat, persuaded many [leftist Democratic] Virginians to allow him a season of penitence. Not least among them are African Americans who were stunned when the governor first admitted, then denied, appearing in the photo in which one figure is in blackface and another is in a Ku Klux Klan costume, while adding that he did don blackface, appearing as Michael Jackson at a dance contest, the same year the yearbook was published.

Content edited slightly.  But once again, raise your hand if you seriously believe that Democracy Dies In Hypocritical Crap would ever have allowed any conservative Republican anywhere "a season of penitence" under any circumstances whatsoever.

Thought not.

Throughout, Mr. Northam, a self-effacing

Except for that one time.

pediatric neurologist,

Ben Carson was a pediatric neurologist, wasn't he?

has expressed remorse

Or pretended to.

and projected what many [leftist Democratic] Virginians regard as genuine humility.

Content edited slightly.

“I’ve had to confront some painful truths,” he said in August at an event commemorating the arrival 400 years ago of the first African slaves in North America, where Hampton, Va., is today. “Among those truths was my own incomplete understanding involving race and equity.”

Bumper stickers.  But you have to give the Democrats this much credit.  They always stand by their own no matter what.  Back in the day, Bill Clinton could have done a 12-year-old girl in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue at one o'clock in the afternoon and The Washington Post editorial page would  have wondered what the kid was wearing.

Statutory rape, schmatutory rape.  Clinton was Right On The Issues.


  1. The hypocrisy is astounding, but it's how Democrats operate. For myself, I think that stupid college stunts decades ago should be forgiven, assuming the adult life has been adult and not hate-filled. However, this pediatric neurologist said publicly that newborns with problems could be "made comfortable" until they died if the mother didn't want them. That's unforgivable.

    Now good ole' Ralph is putting money in his budget to jail Virginians who don't surrender their weapons.

  2. Offing newborns was never going to be a problem for him among his kind. If anything, it was a plus, and helped him past the blackface thing, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has quietly been given extra points for getting the subject into the discussion. God help us.

  3. That he attended a costume party in blackface 35 years ago is a matter of no interest. What's objectionable is that were he a Republican the contrived sh!tstorm would be unending. When it was apparent that two trivial and one not-so-trivial scandal had engulfed all three senior officials in the Virginia state government (and that the next official in line for the governor's chair was a Republican), the scandals simply went away. That tells you what our reporters and editors are worth. It's time for Republican politicians caught in these feeding frenzies to tell this frauds to go f*ck themselves. Which means it's time for Cocaine Mitch and the losers at the Republican National Committee to quit shivving Republicans subject to these fake controversies.
