Sunday, December 29, 2019


Tomorrow's headlines today.  Pete goes full-Beto.

Small-Town Mayor Won't Ever Be President


  1. No clue why the witless 'small town mayor' meme is so common. The South Bend municipality encompasses just north of 100,000 people nestled in tract development which encompasses nearly 200,000 people. Just down the road is Elkhart, Indiana and it's environs, which adds another 80,000 people.

    Buttigieg's stances are an indicator of the mentality of gentry liberals in our time. Ed Koch and Mario Cuomo were participants in the re-assessment of public priorities in their time and advocates of building and maintaining law enforcement infrastructure. Michael Dukakis, on the other hand, didn't give a rip about law enforcement and assigned the supervision of the penal system to unutterably fatuous men like Jerome Miller. Buttigied is Dukakis, and you can look at the crime statistics in South Bend and gauge the extent of his interest in the subject (none, as it happens). Whether he will or will not be mayor, it's an indicator that he's simply unfit for any public office that relies on judgment. (He might be fit for an office relying on specialized expertise, but no one knows what his is).

    In our house, we get the missives from Bernie and Princess Spreading Bull over our wall. A lot of their shtick is stoking resentment of the plutocratic element for people who cannot do long division. Some of the plutocratic element are a problem in the public square, but the machinations of Soros and Bezos don't visibly bother any of the Democratic presidential candidates. Some are pricks to their workers (the Waltons have crafted a repellent system of employee time-off that was lifted almost verbatim from a Dilbert strip). The Democratic Party is all about status games and who-should-hate-who. It's difficult to see how you maintain a constitutional system when one of your major competitors is as malevolent as they are.

  2. Either way, if you start ass-kissing to this extent, that means that you're just about done.
