Sunday, December 29, 2019


A few days ago, there was a rather-more serious anti-Semitic attack in the New York City area.

A suspect is in custody after a man attacked a Hanukkah celebration at a rabbi’s home north of New York City late Saturday, stabbing and wounding five people before fleeing in a vehicle, police said. Grafton E. Thomas, 37, of Greenwood Lake, will face five counts of attempted murder, police said Sunday. The attack appeared to be the latest in a string targeting Jews in the region, including a massacre at a kosher grocery store in New Jersey earlier this month. Police said the stabbings happened around 10pm in Monsey, one of several Hudson Valley towns that have seen an influx in large numbers of Hasidic Jews in recent years. Top state officials, including Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Letitia James, condemned the attack, reports the AP.

The left knows, or should, that it has a serious anti-Semitism problem.  How do I know that?  I know that because of  the left's desperate, damn near psychotic, efforts to somehow blame all this on Trump.  Here's one exampleHere's another particularly stupid one

Pinheads like those are all over Twitter.

Right.  Donald J. Trump, a man with an Orthodox Jewish son-in-law and grandkids who defied decades of US governmental practice and moved the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, is a secret anti-Semite who secretly hates Jews.



  1. The suspect's family and pastor are now saying that he's not anti-Semitic, and that he is mentally ill. I can believe the mental disturbance, but what prompted him to drive to a nearby town and attack Hasidic Jews? In addition, authorities are investigating whether another stabbing in November may be related. Based on who is attacking Jews in NYC, NJ, and near NYC, it seems fair to think that the "black community" in the Northeast has an endemic Jew-hating problem affecting not only the mentally ill.

    Blaming Trump for this is beyond stupid.

  2. They think if they blame Trump for enough stuff, some of it will stick.
