Sunday, December 15, 2019


Watching Jake Tapper's credibility take one last spin around the toilet.

Here's the deal.  Set yourself up (or let yourself get set up) as the spokesperson of a Vitally Important MovementTM and you better expect criticism.  Even people making fun.  Even if you have Asperger's.  You can't have it both ways.

Talk to her parents, Jake.


  1. He didn't really mock the girl. He mocked the movement which is taking advantage of her. And, yes, she would benefit from having functional parents.

  2. My husband and I watched several of Greta's recent talks on You Tube the other night (he was curious as to why she was Person of the Year and what all the fuss was about). We don't agree with her, of course, but since I'm a bit Asperger-ish myself I can sort of understand where she's coming from. When I was her age and younger I had a tendency to take everything people said 100% literally and personally (took me years to get over that) and to fixate on things that scared me. In my case it was tornadoes--if there was a tornado watch or severe thunderstorms forecast I would be sick to my stomach and unable to think about anything else. (Though I haven't personally seen or been directly hit by a tornado to this day). I can only imagine how freaked out I would have been I if I'd been exposed to all the climate change propaganda in schools today. I don't blame her for being freaked out but I do blame her parents and handlers for exploiting her emotional issues as they have.

  3. That's a very interesting perspective, Elaine, and thanks for the comment.
