Monday, December 16, 2019


Know what the Democrats are apparently considering about impeachment?

On one level, I can understand this. They're not going to get a conviction in the Senate and they know it so why not bail now?  They'll get their impeachment, declare that Mitch McConnell would rig the Senate trial so they will not give the GOP the satisfaction.

One thing I am curious about.  NeverTrump die-hards like The Bulwark and Charming Billy claim that President Trump violates "constitutional norms" every hour on the hour, although they never explain exactly how he does it.  This proposal would seem to be a far more serious violation of a "constitutional norm" than anything that Trump has allegedly done.

Please explain.  How is what Trump supposedly does any worse than this?

UPDATE: Bat crap insane law professor Larry Tribe is on board.

We know what you mean by "fair trial," Larry. Only a trial in which Trump is convicted and removed from office; everything else will be declared a sham and a fraud.  I don't remember you criticizing Bill Clinton's Senate trial for COMMITTING AN ACTUAL FELONY WHILE IN OFFICE but your case of Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome has shut down what's left of your mind.

UPDATE: Let me see if I have this straight, Jenny Poo.  The only "fair" Senate trial is a trial in which Trump is convicted and removed from office.  Any other result is rigged by Mitch McConnell.  Doesn't seem like a position that a "conservative" ought to take; I mean, Clinton's offenses were real crimes, far more obvious than Trump's alleged offenses.  And the Democrats refused to convict the contemptible old rapist.


  1. Is it Tribe and Rubin's contention that until a factotum in a Town Crier's outfit delivers a document composed with a quill pen, the Senate cannot convene a trial?

  2. Either that or if they can't get rid of Trump, they recommend taking their ball and going home which is not the threat that Larry and Roobs think it is.

  3. This is all a sham! For the Democrats the only fair trial is one in which they win even though the case they present has more holes in it that a piece of Swiss Cheese.

    Even if they do what the deranged Tribe has stated, they will SCREAM that Trump was IMPEACHED through out the run-up to the 2020 elections. But I think people will realize that it is just a whole lot of hooey.

    Something, that I posted elsewhere, that has crossed my mind is that this whole impeachment sham is a cover for the Democrats voter fraud win of the 2020 elections. I think the Democrats committed an extreme amount of voter fraud in 2016 and still lost. I think the Democrats did the same to gain the House in 2018. All of the stops will be out for 2020.

  4. Apparently the Democrat line is that they want the Senate to call all the witnesses which the House didn't have time to call and go through the courts to get. Sorry, no sale. The evidentiary record, such as it is, was compiled by the House and there it rests. And since the record shows no wrongdoing, that's that.
