Tuesday, December 17, 2019


The Babylon Bee continues to impress.  This right here is the whole impeachment show.

A new study found that support for impeaching President Trump would rise significantly if someone, anyone could just tell people what crime Trump is supposed to have committed.

Republicans and many independents are stubbornly resisting the impeachment inquiry, as though you have to have some kind of reason to impeach the president. Democrats oppose this logic, saying that impeaching a president who insists on being Trump is a constitutional duty. Many Americans are just kind of confused by the whole thing and are waiting for something more interesting to come on TV.

They're right.  Show me a high crime or a misdemeanor that Trump committed, other than winning an election, and I'll be the first to back the conviction and removal of the guy.  But I'm not going to back convicting and removing Trump just because Jenny Rubin feels bad that nobody anywhere gives a crap what she thinks anymore.


  1. Trump has sent a letter to Pelosi pointing out that this impeachment is a violation of her constitutional duty. It is. This is a purely political effort, for no valid constitutional reason, undertaken in a childish fit over a lost election.

  2. Oh, Pelosi knows this is a violation of her constitutional duty, but she's in a bind.

  3. I hope the ties that bind get even worse for her. I hope she loses her Speakership over this.

  4. "I hope she loses her Speakership over this." - 2020!!
