Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Brian Stelter has a question.

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is serious journalism and 0 is a dictation-taking secretary, I'll be as generous as I can and give American "journalism" a -20.  We all know you want to undo the last election, that you want Trump gone by any means necessary, fair or foul.  We also know that Trump's only "impeachable" offense was winning the 2016 election and depriving Crooked Hillary of her rightful presidency, which was absolutely intolerable to the Democrats.

Try being honest for a change.

Your own network, the Democratic Party Steno Pool, has been particularly awful in this regard.  I still don't know exactly what Trump allegedly did to merit impeachment (I knew what Clinton did).  I just get sneers from formerly-worthwhile reporters like Jake Tapper that I'm deliberately ignoring the perfectly obvious because I'm a bigoted Trump-supporting Nazi or something.  Shouldn't it the responsibility of American "journalism" to actually explain this and not simply assume that smart people already know what you decided pretty much the day after the 2016 election? 

Because that's sloppy and lazy, Brian.

And biased as all hell.

UPDATE: Case in point, Bri-Bri.

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