Friday, December 27, 2019


Apparently, Donald Trump is already considering who his next secretary of state is going to be.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he isn’t running for Senate next year. Those close to him say he hasn’t made a final decision yet. But that hasn’t prevented a barely concealed competition from breaking out within the administration over who might replace him as the nation’s top diplomat. President Trump has fueled the fire by sounding out lawmakers and officials as he considers his options.

Trump seems to be considering quite a few names; among these is Florida Senator Marco Rubio (ew).  Another one's this guy.

Trump has also asked people what they think about Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell becoming secretary of state. The German government has complained about Grenell’s aggressive style, but that’s actually a selling point for Trump. Grenell’s confirmation would also be tough; he was confirmed for his current job by a vote of 56 to 42. O’Brien and Grenell have been friends for many years. They were both acolytes of former national security adviser John Bolton.

Know what else Grenell is?


Please let this happen, please let this happen, please let this happen.  Leftist heads would explode from Boston to Los Angeles and all points in between.

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