Saturday, December 28, 2019


In the last several weeks, there have been violent, anti-Semitic attacks on Jews all over New York City, a fact which has David Klion gravely concerned. 

But not for the reason you think.

In other words, Dave thinks that physical attacks on "Persons Of Color (POC)" would be a horrifying crime.  Physical attacks on Jews are nothing to worry about. 

Just part of doing business.


  1. Thus emphasizing that left-wingers, including left-wing Jews, don't care two pins about conservative Jews, or about conservative anyone, for that matter.

  2. The man is utterly fatuous. He fancies police officers are a danger to rank-and-file blacks. Gentry liberals are adept at reminding the rest of us that they're not fit to be put in charge of a Chia pet.

  3. I wonder how this creep feels about the machete attack in a town just north of New York. Oh, wait. Those were Hasidic Jews, and he's not Hasidic, so never mind.
