Monday, January 6, 2020


Mr. President, you had me at keeping this bastard out of this country.  But if this gets us booted from the Useless Nations, then I don't care how rich you are, I'll be sending you money.

The Trump administration is barring Iran’s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iran’s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a “few weeks ago” to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehran’s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others.

UPDATE: Move the whole circus to Geneva whenever the mood strikes you.  In the meantime, Skype it or FaceTime it or whatever.


UPDATE: There's nothing funnier than white supremacist buyers' remorse.

UPDATE: Moobs makes a new friend.


  1. I'm of mixed feelings about this. Whatever one thinks of the UN, I don't think violating treaties is a good idea, to say the least of it.

  2. They can very well have the meeting in Paris, or better yet, Berlin.

  3. And they've got an alternate headquarters in Geneva so they can have their little meeting there if need be.
