Sunday, February 9, 2020


These people work for the President.  He can fire them whenever he likes.  


  1. People who apparently leaked classified information while working for the NSC inside the White House are security risks and shouldn't be there. An ambassador who repeats gossip as if it were fact while representing the president he works for deserves to be fired.

  2. Don't know about Sondland, but Vindman was a disciplinary problem. As of now, he's not out of work, just been transferred to another position not on the White House staff. I can never figure out with the Sulzberger and Bezos minions whether they're frauds or fools.

  3. IIRC, as an O5, he can remain in the military until retirement whether or not premoted any further. But, I suspect the remainder of his career will be meaningless assignments like keeping track of the toilet paper at some remote post. I cannot imagine any commander wanting to trust him with anything important after that performance.

  4. The Vindman brothers may continue to be useful somewhere because of their proficiency in Ukrainian. But, like the Ciaramella snake at the CIA, also with language proficiencies, they must never be allowed near the White House again.

    Some military guys I know think the Lt. Col. should be court-martialed for failing to report up the chain of command, instead sneaking information outside of his official circle.

  5. I believe he has to make promotion to full colonel by 2027, or leave the service. The gamesmanship involving the Vindman brothers, Adam Schiff, Eric Ciaramella, and the general counsel to the DNI hasn't been sussed out yet. The smart money is that it will do further damage to their reputations when it is.
