Sunday, February 9, 2020


Might just be me but I think that if those had been Democrats in that tent, the American news media would be all over this story 24/7/365.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office arrested Gregory William Loel Timm, 27, after being identified as the person behind the wheel of a van that drove through a tent in a Walmart parking lot Saturday, where Republican volunteers were registering people to vote.

According to Lt. Larry Gayle, the vehicle attack happened about 3:50 p.m. at Atlantic and Kernan boulevards where members of the Republican Party were in the tent registering voters. Timm is accused of pulling up, driving through the tent and striking their table.

“It happened so quickly,” said Nina Williams, a volunteer. “I just barely got out of the way.”

Lt. Gayle said at some point after, Timm stopped, took a video and “flipped off” the people who were inside the tent before driving away. Investigators are monitoring social media to see if the video shows up.

No injuries were reported. One of the volunteers provided photos of the older brown Chevrolet driving away.

UPDATE: Jack Posobiec is all over it.


  1. Just another attempted targeted assassination of Republicans. Nothing to see here. The media go hysterical over neo-Nazi shootings, as they should, but they try to tie those to conservatives in general and Trump in particular, when there's actually no connection. They ignore Antifa violence, because it it bad for their narrative, and they ignore ongoing violence against conservatives.

  2. Evidently 27 years old, i.e. of an age when young men tend to leave behind impetuous spikes of aggression. Member of the stagehand's local, training to be a sound engineer. They weren't doing anything even mildly provocative. Duval County isn't deep blue, so it's a reasonable wager the prosecutor won't throw the case and the judge might even see fit to give him something other than a slap on the wrist.

    A fairly ordinary partisan Democrat (who is over the age of 60) insists to me that Rush Limbaugh is a Howard Stern style 'shock jock'. To anyone remotely familiar with Limbaugh, such a characterization sounds unreal. It makes sense if you cannot process vigorous argument by someone who does not display deference.

  3. My brother (whom I love) is a Left Coast radical who gets his news from CNN and the LA Times. Some years ago he tried to persuade me that Limbaugh was a racist, based on some questionable cherry-picked quotes on a leftist blog. I've listened to Limbaugh for years, and I know a racist when I hear one. Limbaugh isn't.

  4. Some years ago he tried to persuade me that Limbaugh was a racist, based on some questionable cherry-picked quotes on a leftist blog.

    No, the quote mining from the dubious source was a display of motivated reasoning. The accusation is bog standard. It doesn't mean anything other than the accuser is incensed, and they are incensed that someone has challenged them.
