Monday, February 3, 2020


A town called Kansas City, Kansas actually exists.

UPDATE: How about we file this one with Jug Ears' memorable "57 states" remark, you stone-cold United States Senate loser to Josh Hawley?


  1. Yes, it does. I gather the team plays on the Missouri side?

  2. Yes, it does. I gather the team plays on the Missouri side?

    Both the St. Louis and Kansas City commuter belts are bisected by the state line. The settlement geography differs. In Kansas City, you have a continuous blob of tract development which spills out on ether side of the border (and then a corona of exurban territory, as you have in any commuter belt). Around St. Louis, the blob's all on the Missouri side. On the Illinois side, you have a set of five discrete settlements which are satellites of the St. Louis blob (with exurban territory surrounding the blob and each of the satellites). The stadium may be on the Missouri side, but it's one physical settlement.

  3. My Kansas City family all lived across the border (Overland Park, Shawnee Mission, something like that) which is why I find this "controversy" so funny. I mean, it's not quite as bad as Obama's "57 states" remark.
