Monday, February 3, 2020


The New York Times is pissed.

Alas, no one ever lost money betting on the cynicism of today’s congressional Republicans. On Friday evening, Republican senators voted in near lock step to block testimony from any new witnesses or the production of any new documents, a vote that was tantamount to an acquittal of the impeachment charges against President Trump. The move can only embolden the president to cheat in the 2020 election.
The vote also brings the nation face to face with the reality that the Senate has become nothing more than an arena for the most base and brutal — and stupid — power politics. Faced with credible evidence that a president was abusing his powers, it would not muster the institutional self-respect to even investigate.
Want to know who killed impeachment?  The Democrats killed impeachment.  Faced with much more than credible evidence that Bill Clinton COMMITTED A FELONY WHILE IN OFFICE, his party let him skate. 
So what say you bitches cry me a freaking river?


  1. Your complaint assumes they're capable of ordinary moral reason which allows them to treat like cases like. Committed Democrats don't do that. They have an entirely sectarian way of evaluating everything and are capable of being stupefyingly pretentious in the process.

    The Sulzberger crew under the current scion are in a state of advanced decay, so much so that the American history faculty is unable to abide some of their recent exercises in political propaganda.

  2. I don't want to click on a NYT link, so I can't tell what leftist wrote this opinion piece, which merely repeats the party line about "abuse of power" and "cheating" in the election, without specifics. Not worth the click./
