Tuesday, February 18, 2020


I know they're not my beat anymore but how could I have let news this important slip by me?

The Rev. Bonnie A. Perry was ordained and consecrated as the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan on Feb. 8 at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center in Dearborn. Perry is the first woman bishop as well as the first lesbian bishop in the diocese since it was formed in 1836; she is the 39th woman to be consecrated bishop in The Episcopal Church. More than 3,900 people have viewed the service, which was originally live-streamed and is available on-demand below.

About damned time that the Episcopal Organization did right by It's A Steinway Piano, Not A Goldfish.  TEO made It's A Watch That's Missing A Minute Hand, Not A Pair Of St. Louis BattleHawks Season Tickets wait far too long.  Better late than never, I guess.

As the last of TEO's conservatives convert to Christianity, the Episcopalian leftist triumph is complete.  Homosexual bishops?  Feh.  These days, who isn't getting one of those? 

Missouri just got one.

I suppose the next "battle" will be for a tranny bishop and that'll have to go some to be called a skirmish, never mind a battle.  Episcopalianity will fall all over itself to get that one done.


  1. Time for a press conference with Bishop Empty Coke Bottle

  2. I haven't been paying much attention either, but have TEO settled on the proper pronoun for God yet? Soooo many choices.

  3. Ordained in 1990 in Newark, of course. They really made her wait for it. She's the 39th female bishop, according to the article. That tells you something by itself.

    And some readings at the consecration were in Arabic, because of the large Arab-American population in the Detroit area. Dare we hope these were Arabic Bible readings and not the Qur'an? Would Bishop Apple Brown Bettie know the difference, or care?

  4. UR, the thought of how God might be "misgendered" by a careless ECUSA priest is very funny! Some of them call Him "she," but what if they think He's not "cis?"

  5. I'm just surprised that you're still reading ENS, unless this just came up in your news feed.

  6. I don't read ENS regularly. I just pop by once in a great while. After all, I was one of those people for the first 48 years of my life and I made whatever Web rep I have because of them. And they're often good for a wacky story or two.
