Wednesday, February 19, 2020


UPDATE: Oh wait, I actually do have some comments.

From The New York Times

Experts Call New York Times Sanders Story 'Eminently Pulitzer-Worthy'

From The Washington Post

Washington Post Election Coverage Deemed 'Finest In The History Of The Country'

From the Harvard Crimson

Harvard Still Only Real University In The United States

That's all for now.

UPDATE: Okay, a couple more.

From CNN

CNN's Brian Stelter Awarded CNN's 'Journalistic Excellence' Prize

From the Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times Voted Best Newspaper In The United States


  1. I saw a poll showing Bernie Sanders so far ahead in California that he might take all the delegates there. If that were to happen, it might be the beginning of the end for other candidates.

    Of course, this news article from Bloomberg's own news service should totally be taken seriously. How dare you question lefty news?

    All I can say is that, based on previous episodes of violence from Sanders followers, if he runs strong through a few more primaries and doesn't get the nomination, it would be smart to stay away from Milwaukee in July.

  2. Very good, Chris! And the sad part is that this is what the leftist media actually think of themselves. Like Mayor Pete, they're brilliant! They're qualified to tell you what to think about everything!

  3. Re: Los Angeles Times Voted Best Newspaper In The United States

    The Boston Glob would contest that, as they have conclusive evidence that they're the best in the US. Just ask them.
