Sunday, February 16, 2020


Mikey?  If you actually get the nomination, expect this to go SERIOUSLY viral, expect you to get your ass seriously kicked up one side and down the other in November, expect Trump to be seriously reelected and expect the GOP to seriously take back the House of Representatives.

Bloomberg acknowledges that his sugary soda tax would have fallen disproportionately on the poor, who also disproportionately drink sugary drinks, just as cigarette taxes disproportionately fall on the poor who disproportionately smoke cigarettes. But Bloomberg easily justifies it: "Some people say, well, taxes are regressive. But in this case, yes they are. That's the good thing about them because the problem is in people that don't have a lot of money. And so, higher taxes should have a bigger impact on their behavior and how they deal with themselves. So, I listen to people saying, 'Oh, we don't want to tax the poor.' Well, we want the poor to live longer so that they can get an education and enjoy life. And that's why you do want to do exactly what a lot of people say you don't want to do." So the "poor," according to Bloomberg, "can get an education" because they'll "live longer"?

Why not levy taxes on the rich people to deter them from engaging in "unhealthy" behavior? Why not a wealth tax on [Bloomberg's] luxury cars, diamonds, private air travel, five-star hotel suites, McMansions and pricey restaurants, you know, to help the spiritually empty rich curb their unhealthy consumerism? Through minimum wage laws, we forbid employees from earning below a certain amount. So why not a maximum wage law? After all, President Obama said, "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money." 

Content edited slightly.

Seriously, Bloomie.  There's a decent chance that you don't even make it out of the primaries.  If Bernie finds out about "taxing the poor" and if he thinks he needs to use it, you're done.



  1. It's not clear to me whether Bloomberg actually thinks he can win the nomination, or whether he'll go third party. He evidently hates The Donald with a burning passion.

  2. Comments like this doom him even if he does go third-party.

  3. Well, you probably seen the reports (reported, then denied, then reported again, ...) that Bloomberg is seriously considering Hillary as a running mate.

    So, in the very remote chance that Bloomberg won the election, he would probably "commit suicide" before being inaugurated.

  4. If Mikey was actually dumb enough to do this, his loss would be even worse.

  5. Yeah, it wouldn't help his bid to drag Hillary along with him. And, TLM, she'd wait until after the inauguration. I don't think the Vice President succeeds before that. In fact, I have no idea what would happen constitutionally if an elected president died before inauguration.

  6. Katherine,
    I looked it up. "If a winning Presidential candidate dies or becomes incapacitated between the counting of electoral votes in the Congress and the inauguration, the Vice President elect will become President, according to Section 3 of the 20th Amendment."

  7. Oh, thanks, TLM! So, Bloomberg would be at risk the day after the election. That's quite a risk.
