Sunday, February 16, 2020


What it is ain't exactly clear.

Haj Amin Husseini, who was appointed by the British High Commissioner as Mufti of Jerusalem during the British Mandate for Palestine, was the link for managing the recruitment of Arab fighters to the Nazi army, the Saudi newspaper Okaz reported in an article published on Friday.

Titled “The Nazi Ikhawn (Brothers),” the article refers to the close connections between the Muslim Brotherhood leaders and the Nazis.

“Husseini, who was the representative of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, contributed with his friend and leader Hassan al-Banna, the founder of Muslim Brotherhood, to recruiting a Muslim Brotherhood army of Egyptians and Arabs, gathered from orphanages and poor rural areas, to work under the Nazi army led by Adolf Hitler,” the newspaper said in an article written by its assistant editor-in-chief, Khalid Tashkandi.

According to Tashkandi, the number of Arabs recruited by Husseini and Muslim Brotherhood was estimated at 55,000, including 15,000 Egyptians.

The Saudi editor said there were a number of reasons why the Nazis were interested in Islam. “On the one hand, the Nazis were aware that the oppression of Muslims in a number of Islamic areas under occupation and colonial powers would facilitate the recruitment,” he said. “On the other hand, the Nazis saw the Muslims as stiff fighters ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their faith.”

Michael Milshtein, Head of the Palestinian Studies forum – Dayan Center – at Tel Aviv University, said the “harsh article in the Saudi newspaper reflects the deep political and ideological tensions between Saudi Arabia and Hamas.”

Milshtein told The Jerusalem Post that Hamas’s close relations with Qatar, “considered by the Saudis as an arch-enemy,” was another reason behind the tensions between Saudi Arabia and Hamas.

Wow.  That this article would appear anywhere at all these days is too incredible to believe because let's just say that it contains Muslim "family secrets" that decent Muslims just don't spread around. That it appeared in a Saudi newspaper, of all places, is...interesting.


  1. The Saudi state has been dealing with its Wahhabi radical element for a long time. To a great extent, al Qaeda was intended to result in ousting the Saudi monarchy to install an even more radical Islamist regime (if you can imagine that), and to installing a radical Islamist regime in Egypt. This is self-defense on the part of the Saudi monarchy.

  2. Katherine, Thanks for your insight into this. Very helpful.

  3. I fight my brother! My brother and I fight our cousins! My brother, my cousins, and I fight the world!!!

  4. And Hamas, of course, is heavily funded by Iran, Saudi Arabia's primary rival in the region. Iran is funding the insurgency in Yemen, on Arabia's south border.
