Thursday, March 26, 2020


If you are seriously dumb enough to believe that once the Chinese Flu blows over, this country's relationship with China can or should proceed as if nothing happened, give this a quick look.

China is SOLELY responsible for this situation.  Never forget that.


  1. There are two causes in China. The first has been there a long time, the highly unsanitary "wet markets" selling exotic animals for food. Probably China has had localized plagues for a long time. What made this more dangerous is the new global reality of mass movements of people, which spreads what was a local infection worldwide.

    The second cause, and the reason this did spread, is the repressive totalitarian Chinese Community system. They shut down news about this, punished doctors who tried to warn people, and forced scientists to destroy evidence.

    So long as the Communists rule China, China cannot be trusted.

  2. That's Chinese Communist system. Blasted autocorrect!

    Communism took over China the year I was born. I hope it dies before I do.

  3. Last week it was called the "Kung-flu." This week it's the "Flu-Manchu. (hat-tip to Ace of Spades...)
