Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Tonight's episode: The Madcap Misadventures Of The Journalisto-Clueless

Must be a day of the week ending in "y" because Brian Stelter of Völkischer Beobachter CNN is mad at Donald Trump.  What's got Bri-Bri's panties in a bunch this time?

The Fox News presidency has taken a dangerous turn.

As the coronavirus crisis deepens all across the United States, the Trump administration is favoring Fox and turning down almost all other networks' interview requests. It's the politicization of a pandemic.
What did you call it when Nanner McBotox put a bullet into the back of the head of the stimulus package that had been agreed to in favor of a bill containing every dumbass Democratic idea, if you'll pardon the redundancy, of the last four years or so?  Honest legislating?  Leadership?  Doing the people's business?
[Trump] has given interviews to Fox but has declined virtually all other interview requests.
Why in the world would that be?  Might it have something to do with the unassailable fact that Völkischer Beobachter CNN has had it in for the President ever since the very moment that it became clear that Donald J. Trump had defeated Hillary Clinton and would become the next president of the United States of America?
Too strong?  I don't think so.  Not when your "news network" helped cheer lead the "Russian collusion" debacle, the Mueller Report or your various 25th Amendment discussions.  Or when it basically bought and reported every slur against Brett Kavanaugh the Democrats could invent and gave Mikey Nats as much air time as he wanted.
I could go on.  But you lost my trust a long time ago.  You don't like the President, you threw out objectivity at least three years ago and anyone whose brain still works can see it.
Tater, I realize that taking eight years off from doing anything at all and then trying to get back into it again is tough.  And I do realize that American "journalists" spent all eight years of the Obama Administration not covering the old fraud to any degree since you all had your lips on Obama's junk.

And journalism's hard when you've got your lips on somebody's junk. 
But if you seriously believe that misspellings in presidential tweets is an issue that anyone of any station anywhere in the world cares anything whatsoever about, then the only logical explanation for the following complete waste of time that I can come up with is that you hate the guy's guts, always have and always will.  So why in the world should he waste his time talking to you?


  1. Does this guy have anything better to do?

  2. Apparently not, Rebel. Twitter typo comparison? Really?

  3. And as someone pointed out, there really isn't such a thing as a "misspelling error." What is a "misspelling error" anyway? A word you spelled correctly?

  4. Now you're being logical, Chris. The left doesn't do that.
