Friday, March 13, 2020


Joe Biden has a simple plan for fighting the Chinese Flu.  Do the exact opposite of whatever Donald Trump suggests.  Restrict travel to the US from other countries?  HELL no!!  Open the gates wide and let anyone in from anywhere in the world who wants to come, no restrictions, even if, as Max Roser suggests, more dead people would result than would otherwise happen.

The Doddering Old Fool will fight Donald Trump to the last drop of your blood.

UPDATE: Take it to the bank.

UPDATE: Right.  Here's the real story.  Some time back, Trump was playing with the Lil Epidemiologist set his mommy and daddy got him for his birthday.  He mixed a little of this with a little of that and out came the Chinese Flu. 


Vox, is heavy drinking a prerequisite for writing for the sick journalistic joke you've turned yourselves into?  I would think it would have to be.

UPDATE: What's better than some simpering toady posting Red Chinese talking points on Twitter?  When a "legitimate" American news source freely gets the word out for them.

UPDATE: The Commies are blown and the Commies know they're blown.


  1. Let's see. There no specific treatment for this virus, yet, and no vaccine. So Slow Joe wants to open the borders and let it in. Thanks, Joe, speaking as a member of the demographic most at risk. Flattening the curve and buying time for treatments and vaccines is exactly what the CDC and administration are trying to do. They'd also like to see cases not explode and overwhelm ICU units and personnel.

    Leftists just oppose anything Trump does, without regard to whether it's good for the actual people they want to lead.

  2. Was already close, but now feel certain there is pretty much nothing these dhim/media creeps wouldn't do. The only restraining factor anymore is their doubt that they'd get away with whatever it is they do refrain from.
