Thursday, March 12, 2020


This may come as a shock and a bitter disappointment to you Democrats but the United States of America has never been, is not now and, God willing, never will be a monarchy

Good LORD, you're an idiot.

With sincerest affection,

People Who Are Familiar With The Tenth Amendment To The US Constitution

UPDATE: It boggles the mind how baffled, confused and frightened liberals get when America works exactly the way it's supposed to.


  1. Um, Sen Murphy, this is an example of how the distribution of executive power to the lowest effective level is a GOOD thing. The federal authority is handling trying to keep it out of the country, and the local and state authorities are trying to prevent outbreaks in their areas. Even the centralized testing at the CDC turns out to be wrong, and they're correcting that to allow PRIVATE ENTERPRISE to do testing to break the logjam.

    People in countries with national health care systems are dying in part because a spike in cases is overwhelming hospitals. We're buying time to prepare and to prevent a sudden spike.

  2. Sadly, the comments at Twitter are pretty evenly divided. Those who seem to be on the left are resorting to ad hominems against the president. Those who seem to be on the right are all referencing the constitution. But yet, the left keeps calling us stupid. This is a very sad commentary on the state of our electorate.
