Saturday, March 14, 2020


The Useful IdiotTM returns.  "Interesting," Chris?  It would be about as "interesting" as Lee Harvey Oswald calling a presser on November 23, 1963 to urge Washington to join him in trying to determine who was responsible for the piss-poor security arrangements at Dealey Plaza and not focus on who pulled the trigger because at this point, what would assigning blame for the assassination accomplish other than to deflect us from the Big Picture?

But you do you.

UPDATE:  We get it, NBC.  "Aid and comfort to the enemy" is your thing now.

1 comment:

  1. It appears that the objection to calling it the "Wuhan coronavirus" is coming from Communist Chinese officials, a fairly obvious attempt to try to deny that the thing started in Wuhan. Pretending won't change the facts. "Wuhan" is not a racial term, it's a place name, the place where this came from. American "journalists" playing along with denial aren't helping anybody.
