Sunday, March 15, 2020


That we do.

Will we?

That remains to be seen.  I don't know exactly what getting tough with the Red Chinese would involve.  But the Chinese Flu has cost the lives of far too many Americans.  And the Red Chinese are currently lying through their teeth about their sole responsibility for all this.

That can't go without serious consequences or it will happen again.  At the very least, Beijing has got to fess up and honestly own this without idiotically trying to blame others.

The Christian term for that, of course, is "repentance."

1 comment:

  1. With the tax changes and the tariff negotiations, uncoupling from China has been underway for a year and more. This mess will only accelerate that, with a rather urgent focus on materials and manufacturing for medications.

    The authoritarian Chinese Communist regime, by trying to stifle news of this virus and failing to react soon enough, has not only cost the lives of many Chinese people, and now people worldwide, but it has killed the golden goose of foreign investment in China. "Low cost" isn't always the best idea.

    And the fact is that some Chinese labor is forced labor. The enslaved Falun Gong practitioners, Christians, and Muslim Uighurs in the factories are the lucky ones. Others are murdered when their blood type matches someone needing an organ transplant. Communist regimes are evil. Never forget that.
