Sunday, March 15, 2020


Insofar as Jesus said, "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again," and insofar as many on the left who haven't seen the inside of a serious church since their infant baptisms but still enjoy telling conservative Christians what Christ really meant, I'd look into seriously dialing back this kind of talk.


  1. Apparently today is Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 87th birthday. I disagree with Ginsburg on the vast majority of her opinions, but I am certainly not hoping she gets coronavirus, as this creepy leftist hopes for Gingrich. Where did these people leave their humanity?

  2. She isn't a leftist. She's a retired child actress. She was and is something of a smart ass. I used to follow her blog, but not in a while. She's an amused and amusing observer most of the time, pretty non-political.

  3. You either take Christianity seriously or you're playing at it so a whole bunch of people better watch what comes out of their mouths.

    Me included.


    Here's a Youtube of hers posted in 2012.

  5. I don't watch YouTube in general. However, I just cruised Quinn Cummings' twitter for the past few days. She clearly leans left. She's in Los Angeles, so no surprise there. My relatives in the area are all left-leaning or outright socialists, except for my contrarian sister and her husband, whose eyes have been opened.

  6. She clearly leans left.

    Fran Leibowitz also 'leans left', rather more insistently. She's not known for her politics. People can have political views without being all that emotionally invested in them. Cummings has had quite a bit to say over the years, but little on political topics.
