Wednesday, March 18, 2020


The old gray goose is dead.

Well, we did offer to help them, Poindexter, but the mullahs turned us down.  But I'll tell you what a real moral abomination is.  For reasons known only to your perverted sense of "morality," you shepherded through the "nuclear deal" with Iran which would have greatly eased the way for Tehran to get itself a nuclear weapon or five and basically start threatening its immediate and not-so-immediate neighbors.  Add to that all that cash you airlifted in so the regime could waste a few more Americans, Israelis and/or dissident Iranians without going personally bankrupt.

Remember what God Incarnate said on the Mount.  Whatever judgment you use to judge others will be used to judge you.  So if you want to complain about "whataboutism," you can go ahead and take it up with the Risen Lord.

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