Wednesday, March 18, 2020


I wonder how much the Red Chinese paid Lady Haw-Haw* for this tweet.
*If you don't understand this reference, Google "Lord Haw-Haw."

Gam-Gam, since your laziness and incompetence got FOUR PEOPLE KILLED in Benghazi, I'd sit this one out if I were you.


  1. So, the President has a pharmaceutical lab in the basement of the White House from which he could pump out an endless supply of test kits?

    There is a reason that woman is not president. (Several actually.)

  2. To list all the reasons that Lady Haw-Haw LOST TO DONALD J. TRUMP, one will, as Glenn Reynolds always puts it, need a bigger blog.

  3. She doesn't have any better ideas, and Trump has already done far more, and more effectively, than she would have. This sniping at the national leadership in a medical emergency is nauseating.

  4. Y'know, the more I think about HRC complaining about the national response to the Wuhan coronavirus, the more I remember how she and her husband took dirty Chinese money in the mid-term election to stay in office.

  5. I have shuddered to think how Hillary would have handled this epidemic. Mostly I think she would have wasted days, if not weeks, trying to think what would make her look good, not what was best for the country.

  6. Heheh, Someone posted a picture of Hillary's book on Facebook with the caption, "There's still toilet paper available at Walmart."
