Tuesday, April 21, 2020


For the love of all that is sacred, the SWEDES get it.

Sweden has shut down the last of its Chinese state-sponsored teaching programmes as relations between the two countries deteriorate into hostility and mutual suspicion.
It is believed to be the first European state to close all its Confucius institutes and classrooms, which teach Chinese language and culture with textbooks and funding from Beijing.
Analysts regard the closure as a sign that the once-cordial ties between Sweden and China are unravelling at speed amid accusations of bullying, meddling and incompetence.
When all this is over(ish), the only friends Red China may have left will be the Democratic Party and the American "news media," if you'll pardon the redundancy.

UPDATE: Scarbs, of all people, might even be starting to pick this up.

1 comment:

  1. There are Confucius Institutes all over the USA which need to be shut down also. And American universities have been relying on Communist Chinese money for a long time, both with these propaganda units and from students. Enough.
