Tuesday, April 21, 2020


"What?  Is the bastard serious?  Does Trump actually expect me to mow my own lawn?  Or...or...or...oh God...cook my own food??  That's an impeachable offense right there or absolutely nothing whatsoever is.  That's not the America I know."


  1. So Beto doesn't cook or do the dishes, and neither does Mrs. Beto, according to this. He wants low-cost illegals to do the dirty work rather than getting his own hands dirty. I think he and "let them eat ice cream" Nancy have a lot in common.

  2. Immigrants as servants. Yeah, that's a...look.

  3. Robert O'Rourke (I will not use his nickname, that is insult to the good Tejanos here in Texas) is just another elitist ass. He is right there with Malig-Nancy, Ocasional-Cortex and the rest of the Leftist. We flyovers need to sit down, shut up and take our beatings and beratings as instructional moments, NOT.
